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YES! Data is extremely important for your business.

是! 数据对您的业务极为重要。

A human body has five sensory organs, and each one transmits and receives information from every interaction every second. Today, scientists can determine how much information a human brain receives, and guess what! Humans receive 10 million bits of information in one second. Similar to a computer when it downloads a document from the web over a fast internet connection.

人体有五个感觉器官,每个器官每秒都会从每次交互中发送和接收信息。 今天,科学家们可以确定人脑接收到多少信息,然后猜测一下! 人类在一秒钟内就能收到一千万比特的信息。 类似于计算机通过快速Internet连接从Web下载文档时的情况。

But, did you know that only 30 bits per second can be processed by our brains. So, it's more EXFORMATION (information wasted) than information gained.

但是,您是否知道我们的大脑每秒只能处理30位。 因此,它比获得的信息更多的是信息(浪费的信息)。

Data is everywhere!


Humanity surpassed a zettabyte in 2010. (One zettabyte = 1000000000000000000000 bytes. That's 21 zeroes if you're counting!)

人类在2010年超过了Zettabyte。(一个Zettabyte = 1000000000000000000000个字节。如果要计数的话,这是21个零!)

Humans tend to generate a lot of data each day - from heart rates to favorite songs, fitness goals and movie preferences, you find data in each drawer of businesses.


Data is no longer restricted to just technological companies. Businesses as diverse as life-insurance agencies, hotels, and product management companies are now using data to improve their marketing strategies, customer experience, and to understand business trends or just collect insights on user data.

数据不再仅限于科技公司。 诸如人寿保险公司,酒店和产品管理公司之类的企业现在都在使用数据来改善其营销策略,客户体验,并了解业务趋势或仅收集有关用户数据的见解。

Increasing amounts of data in the rapidly expanding technological world of today makes the analysis of it much more exciting. The insights gathered from user data are now a major tool for decision-makers. I've also heard that these days data is used to measure employee success! Wouldn't appraisals be a lot easier now? :P

在当今快速发展的技术世界中,越来越多的数据使分析变得更加令人兴奋。 现在,从用户数据中收集的见解是决策者的主要工具。 我还听说,这些天的数据用于衡量员工的成功! 现在评估会容易得多吗? :P

says there are 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created each day - and only 0.5% data of what is being generated is analysed! Now, that is one mind-boggling statistic.

说,每天创建2.5亿个字节的数据-仅分析正在生成的数据的0.5%! 现在,这是一个令人难以置信的统计数字。

So, why exactly are we talking about data and its inclusion in your business? What are the factors that encourage data dependency? Here, I have listed 6 solid reasons as to why is data so important for your business - you'll thank this article later.

那么,为什么我们要谈论数据及其在您的业务中的包含呢? 鼓励数据依赖的因素有哪些? 在这里,我列出了6个可靠的理由来说明为什么数据对您的业务如此重要-您稍后将感谢本文。

数据分析和可视化方面 (Aspects of Data Analysis and Visualization)

What do we visualize? Data? Sure. But there's more to data.

我们能看到什么? 数据? 当然。 但是数据还有更多。

  1. Variability: Illustrates how things differ, and by how much

    可变性 :说明事物之间的差异以及差异

  2. Uncertainty: Good visualization practices frame uncertainty that arises from variation in data

    不确定性 :良好的可视化实践会确定由于数据变化而引起的不确定性

  3. Context: Meaningful context helps us frame uncertainty against underlying variation in data

    上下文 :有意义的上下文可帮助我们针对数据的基础变化来确定不确定性

These three key aspects create questions that we seek answer to in our business. Our attempts at data analysis and visualization should focus on marginalizing the above three points to satisfy our quest of finding answers.

这三个关键方面提出了我们在业务中寻求回答的问题。 我们在数据分析和可视化方面的尝试应集中在将以上三点边缘化,以满足我们寻找答案的要求。

1.绘制公司绩效 (1. Mapping your company's performance)

With tens of data visualization tools like Tableau, Plotly, Fusion Charts, Google Charts and others (my Business Data Visualization professor loves Tableau tho! :P) we now have an access to ocean of opportunities to explore the data.  

借助数十种数据可视化工具,如Tableau,Plotly,Fusion Charts,Google Charts等(我的业务数据可视化教授喜欢Tableau tho!:P),我们现在可以利用大量机会探索数据。

When we focus on creating performance maps, our primary goal is to provide a meaningful learning experience to produce real and lasting business results. Performance mapping is also essentially important to drive our decisions when selecting strategies.

当我们专注于创建绩效图时,我们的主要目标是提供有意义的学习体验,以产生真实而持久的业务成果。 在选择策略时,绩效映射对于决定我们的决策也至关重要。

Now let's fit data in this whole picture. The data for performance mapping would include the records of your employees, their job duties, employee performance goals with measurable outcomes, company goals and the quarter results. Do we have that in your business? Yes? Data is for you!

现在,让数据适合整个图片。 绩效映射数据将包括您的员工,其工作职责,具有可衡量结果的员工绩效目标,公司目标和季度业绩的记录。 我们在您的业务中有吗? 是? 数据适合您!

Implement all these data on a data visualization tool and you can now map if your company is meeting the expected goals and your employees are assigned the right mission. Visualize your economy for a desired time frame and deduce all that is important to you.

在数据可视化工具上实现所有这些数据,您现在就可以绘制地图,看看您的公司是否达到了预期目标,并且为您的员工分配了正确的任务。 将您的经济状况可视化为所需的时间范围,并推断出对您而言重要的所有信息。

2.改善品牌的客户体验 (2. Improving your brand's customer experience )

It will take only a few unhappy customers to damage or even disrupt the reputation of the brand that you have earnestly created. The one thing that could have taken your organization to new heights-Customer Experience is failing. What to do next?

只需几个不满意的客户即可破坏甚至破坏您真诚创建的品牌的声誉。 可能会使您的组织达到新高度的一件事-客户体验失败。 接下来做什么?

First things first: unearth your customer database on the basis of behavioral business. Plot the choices, concerns, sticking points, trends, etc. across various consumer journey touchpoints to determine points of improvement for good experiences.

首先,首先要根据行为业务发掘客户数据库。 在各种消费者旅程接触点上绘制选择,关注点,症结,趋势等,以确定改善体验的点。

PayPal Co-Founder Max Levchin said, “The world is now awash in data and we can see consumers in a lot clearer ways.” The behavior of customers is a lot more visible now than ever. I say, leverage that opportunity to create a pitch perfect product strategy to improve your customer experience now that you realize your users.

PayPal联合创始人Max Levchin表示:“如今,数据充斥着世界,我们可以以更加清晰的方式看到消费者。” 现在,客户的行为比以往任何时候都更加明显。 我的意思是,利用此机会,当您认识到用户后,便可以制定完美的产品策略来改善客户体验。

Businesses can harness data to:


  1. Find new customers

  2. Track social media interaction with the brand

  3. Improve customer retention rate

  4. Capture customer inclinations and market trends

  5. Predict sales trends

  6. Improve brand experience


3.更快地制定决策,更快地解决问题! (3. Make decisions quicker, and solve problems faster!)

If your business has a website, a social media presence or involves making payments, you are generating data! Lots of it. And all of that data is filled with immense insights about your company's potential and how to improve your business

如果您的公司有网站,社交媒体或涉及付款,那么您正在生成数据! 很多。 而且所有这些数据都充满了关于公司潜力以及如何改善业务的深刻见解

There are many questions we in business seek answers to.


  1. What should be our next marketing strategy?

  2. When should we launch the new product?

  3. Is it a right time for a clearance sale?

  4. Should we rely on the weather to see what's happening to business in the stores?

  5. What you see or read in the news would affect the business?


Some of these questions might already intrigue you by the idea of getting answers to from data. At different points, data insights can be extremely helpful when making decisions. But how wise is it to make decisions backed by numbers and information about company performance? This is a sure-shot, hard hitting, profit-increasing power you can’t afford to miss.

从数据获取答案的想法中,有些问题可能已经引起您的兴趣。 在不同的时候,数据洞察力在做出决策时会非常有用。 但是,以数字和有关公司绩效的信息作为后盾的决策有多明智? 这是您不容错过的必经之路,重击,增加利润的能力。

4.衡量公司和员工的成功 (4. Measuring success of your company and employees)

Most of the successful business leaders and frontmen have always relied on some type or form of data to help them make quick, wise decisions.


To elaborate on how to measure success of your company and employees from data, let us consider an example. Let’s say you have a sales and marketing representative that is believed to be a top performer and having the most leads. However, upon checking your company data, you come to know that the rep closes deals at a lower rate than one of your other employees who receives fewer leads but closes deals at a higher percentage. Without knowing this information, you would continue to send more leads to the lower performing sales rep and lose more money from unclosed deals.

为了详细说明如何根据数据衡量贵公司和员工的成功,让我们考虑一个例子。 假设您的销售和市场代表被认为是表现最好的,并且拥有最多的潜在客户。 但是,在检查了公司数据后,您会发现销售代表完成交易的速度要比其他员工中获得线索更少但完成交易的百分比更高的一位雇员低。 在不知道此信息的情况下,您将继续向业绩不佳的销售代表发送更多线索,并因未完成的交易而损失更多资金。

So now, from data you know who is a better performing employee and what works for your company. Data gives you clarity so you can achieve better results. By looking at more numbers, you pour more insights.

因此,现在,根据数据,您知道谁是表现更好的员工,什么对您的公司有效。 数据使您更加清晰,从而可以取得更好的结果。 通过查看更多数字,您可以获得更多见解。

5.了解您的用户,市场和竞争 (5. Understanding your users, market and the competition)

Data and analytics can help a business predict consumer behavior, improve decision-making, market trends  and determine the ROI of its marketing efforts. Sure. The clearer you see your consumers, the easier it is to reach them.

数据和分析可以帮助企业预测消费者的行为,改善决策,市场趋势并确定其营销活动的投资回报率。 当然。 您越清晰地看到您的消费者,就越容易吸引他们。

I really loved the idea of Measure, Analyze and Manage introduced in this article. When analysing data for your business to understand your users, your market reach and the competition, it is essentially important to be relevant.

我真的很喜欢这篇文章中介绍的测量,分析和管理的想法。 在分析业务数据以了解您的用户,您的市场覆盖范围和竞争时,保持相关性至关重要。

On what factors and for what information do you analyse data?


  1. Product Design: Keywords can reveal exactly what features or solutions your customers are looking for.

    产品设计 :关键字可以准确显示您的客户正在寻找什么功能或解决方案。

  2. Customer Surveys: By examining keyword frequency data you can infer the relative priorities of competing interests.

    客户调查 :通过检查关键字频率数据,您可以推断竞争利益的相对优先级。

  3. Industry Trends: By monitoring the relative change in keyword frequencies you can identify and predict trends in customer behavior.

    行业趋势 :通过监视关键字频率的相对变化,您可以识别和预测客户行为的趋势。

  4. Customer Support: Understand where customers are struggling the most and how support resources should be deployed.

    客户支持 :了解客户最苦恼的地方以及应如何部署支持资源。

In the rapidly expanding technological world of today, using data to help run your business is the new standard. If you’re not using data to guide your business into the future, you are sure to become a business of the past!

在当今快速发展的技术世界中,使用数据来帮助您开展业务是新的标准。 如果您不使用数据来指导您的业务迈向未来,那么您一定会成为过去的业务!

Fortunately, the advances in data analyzing and visualization make growing your business with data easier to do. To analyse your data and get the insights you need to propel your company into the future with data.

幸运的是,数据分析和可视化方面的进步使数据业务的发展变得更加容易。 要分析数据并获取见解,就需要借助数据推动公司迈向未来。

认识你的作者 (Know Your Author)

Rashi is a graduate student and a UX Analyst and Consultant, a Business Developer, a Tech Speaker, and a Blogger! She aspires to form an organization connecting the Women in Business with an ocean of resources to be fearless and passionate for the work and the world. Feel free to drop her a message !

Rashi是一名研究生,并且是UX分析师和顾问,业务开发人员,技术发言人和Blogger! 她渴望组建一个组织,将从事商业活动的妇女与丰富的资源联系在一起,以对工作和世界充满恐惧和热情。 随时给她留言!




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